Vestir la pandemia

Una Exhibición Virtual de Máscaras Faciales COVID-19 de todo el mundo

Flor de Barcelona Masks

When confronted by the pandemic, Flor de Barcelona decided to offer a new product for local users. In accordance with regulation UNE 0065/2020, the face masks are made out of 100 % cotton fabric, cultivated in Andalusia, and spun and woven in Catalonia by Cotó Roig. Their interior lining is hypoallergenic and very soft to the touch. They have a compartment for the filter. The cheerful printed designs by Molnár and Torrents aim to foster the hidden smile of both the wearer and those that see it, creating a more empathetic and less socially-distanced atmosphere. For every unit sold on the website, €1 is donated to the Arrels Foundation.

David Torrents and Jacqueline Molnár (Designers), Spain Flor de Barcelona Singular SL (Maker), Spain


Designed Barcelona, Spain

Made in Barcelona, Spain

Cotton tabby, Reactive printing

Design Museum of Barcelona
MDB 13735


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