Vestir la pandemia

Una Exhibición Virtual de Máscaras Faciales COVID-19 de todo el mundo

Hummingbird mask

Isolating at home to help stop the spread of COVID-19 became a difficult and dangerous option for some women and children. This limited-edition mask by Haida designer, Dorothy Grant, sold in a four-colour set, gave 10% of sales to survivors of gender violence through the Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) in British Columbia. Grant kicked off the 20k campaign with a personal donation of $2000. The protective mask embodies her philosophy of yaangudang, in Haida meaning a sense of pride and respect for yourself and those around you.

Dorothy Grant, Canada


Designed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Made in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Cotton 70%, silk 30%, digital print

Royal Ontario Museum



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