Clothing the Pandemic

A Virtual Exhibition of COVID-19 Face Masks from Around the World

Patchwork quilt mask

Toronto maker, Alexis Venerus sought relief during Toronto's COVID lockdown by making masks. She said, "Although quilting has been a part of my mother's family… I haven't really embarked on any quilt making. As I am making masks there are certain shapes that keep ending up as scraps and I saved them to experiment with. The quilted mask is one such experiment." Her “experiment” is constructed from 44 triangular pieces that emerge as left-over waste from making other masks. The patchwork quilt mask is a meditative work of patience and care.

Alexis Venerus, Canada

May 2020

Designed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Made in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Multiple printed cottons

Royal Ontario Museum
2021.77.1, Gift of Jean Duce Palmer 



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