Habiller la pandémie

Une exposition virtuelle de masques de protection faciale Covid-19 du monde entier

Keffiyeh mask

During the pandemic, Gaza-based tailor, Abu Alaa Ghaben, has made thousands of masks from the keffiyeh, the cotton head-dress that has become the symbol of Palestinian national identity and resistance. The mask was originally designed in 2015 by Palestinian artist, Mohammed Musallam, during a workshop with the not-for-profit Disarming Design from Palestine. The keffiyeh mask was first used in Gazan hospitals under siege. They have been widely worn – along with the keffiyeh itself – during recent pro-Palestinian protests around the world.

Designed by Mohammed Musallam, now resident in Mississauga, Canada / Made by Abu Alaa Ghaben, Palestine


Designed in Palestine

Made in Gaza, Palestine

Woven cotton with elastic straps

Victoria and Albert Museum


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